Forum Update auf das InvisionPowerBoard 1.2 RC2


Erfahrener Benutzer
Also, ich werde mich jeden Augenblick dran begeben, das Forum auf die Aktuelle InvisionPowerBoard 1.2 RC2 (Pre Final) zu Updaten, daher kann es Zeitweise etwas holperig werden hier im Forum.

Dies Bitte ich zu entschuldigen...

Hier nun die gefixten Bugs:


IPB 1.2 RC1 to RC2 Upgrade

Fixed Bugs

#73560: Moving posts can result in minus post counts
#73609: Banning member center error
#73703: Wrong <div> tag applied when previewing messages
#73858: Pipes '|' in usernames not working
#73791: Editing topic desc alone doesn't work
#74067: List modifier incorrect when editing posts
#74716: Backslashes in macros causes errors/disappearing
#74852: Single quotes not stripslashed in suspend emails
#74826: Simple search not deactivated if manual search chosen
#74832: Single quote breaks textfield in forum rules
#74129: Validating members not removed properly when deleting users
#74857: Topic reply notification not unconverting HTML entities properly
#74839: BBCode javascript errors
#74400: Ability to remove from jump list added
#74331: Ability to use a # sign when entering an email address
#75625: "Allow poll to bump topic" forum option not working
#75685: Messenger: Deleting storage folders give unpredictable results
#76878: UCP: JS error with avatars
#76851: Search results not showing correct envelope icon
#76189: Online list: Member's reading hidden forums show lined to board index
#76085: Can't search member with | in name
#75092: Bug fix in log-in screen
#75316: Missing page title in lost password form
#77223: ACP: Searching for member names starting with + fail
#75300: Registering: Reloading form on error removes custom entry input
#74943: Inconsistent COPPA behaviour
#77313: Topic hi-lite, not matching multiple words
#78212: ModCP - incorrect forum marker display
#78188: Emailed notifications: links and newlines missing
#77913: Personal photos not deleting when edited via ACP
#77840: Search keyword highlighting can cause PHP error
#75298: Quoting dohtml leaves doHTML tags in place
#75214: Archiving messages not showing sent to field
#79623: Memberlist not removing hidden groups fully
#79018: Session management not functioning correctly
#79406: Mod CP: Removing member's photo incorrectly removes own photo/avatar
#78535: Msgr: Incorrect length of "full" indicator
#78558: Member's can reply to others topics when not allowed
#79755: Incorrect reply count on long topics
#80837: Editing a post with a font wrapped list produces incorrect display
#80595: Editing topic title allows spaces to create empty topic title
#80029: Errors showing when viewing empty avatar gallery directory
#78552: SQL tag shows errors when editing / quoting
#80794: Approving posts doesn't promote members properly
#73768: News won't work if set to a root subforum


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Forum Update auf das InvisionPowerBoard 1.2 RC1

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modcp correct count
