Forum Update auf das InvisionPowerBoard 1.2 RC1


Erfahrener Benutzer
Nun ist es so weit, Ich habe das Board soeben einem Update unterzogen, daher kam es für ca. 5 Minuten zum Ausfall des Forums, aber es läuft nun ja wieder alles, wie ihr seht

Es gibt wie schonmal beschrieben viele Gründe, die dafür Sprachen, ein Update auszuführen! Viele Sicherheitstechnische Gründe haben mich Hauptsächlich dazu Veranlasst, auf die neue Version zu Updaten!

Auch ein "MiniProfil" zu jedem User ist vorhanden, in dem man ein Bild von sich Uploaden kann, aber Bitte dort kein Bild von euerm Auto Uploaden, dazu ist es nicht gedacht

Die Maximale Größe beträgt 100x177 Pixel und die Maximale Daeigröße beträgt 100 KB!

Auch neu, ist die "Schnelle Antwort" Funktion, die nun Serienmäßig im InvisionPowerBoard Intregiert ist! Diese Funktion könnt ihr nutzen, indem ihr am ende jeder Seite eines Themas einfach auf den "Schnelle Antwort" Button klickt, es öffnet sich dann ein Eingabefenster!

Es gibt Natürlich auch noch sehr viele andere Änderungen, aber diese alle im Einzelnen zu erläutern, würde den Ramen sprengen

Sollte es noch zu Probleme mit dem Forum kommen, Sprich das etwas nicht Funktioniert, bzw nicht Richtig Funktioniert, dann postet es Bitte hier, damit ich es schnellstmöglich weiterleiten kann! Danke

Hier nun die gefixten Bugs:

New Features in 1.2 RC1

Boolean operators introduced into the search function
Quick JS page jump added to all pages (inc. ACP)
Added options to the warning system
Fast reply: accesskey "f" opens, accesskey "s" posts
Fast reply: Tab index added
Fast reply: On mouse over, onfocus added
XML1.0 and RSS2.0 feeds added to ssi.php
IP Chat: Ability to deny groups access to chat
IP Chat: Auto-log in for members

Fixed Bugs

#70716: Long passwords with special chars create too long error
#70669: Zero for a poll choice doesn't show
#70557: ACP, Editing colours, http:// breaks url
#70271: Posting poll after adding topic - error is supmod && topic starter
#70455: Posting, if MessageMax is set to empty, some browsers cant post
#70262: Inability to name avatar files with [] or () in the name
#70040: Missing CSS atr from post form
#69988: Download contact card - incorrect filename used
#69771: Added </a> not needed in online list w/bots
#69631: Incorrect starting attr to emoticons checkbox in calendar
#70858: Incorrect HTML tag (breaks XHTML) when using safe mode skins
#69643: Avatar gallery not matching capitalized file extensions
#69899: ACP, removing skin tarball, link error
#69896: ACP, helpfiles, backslash not saving fix
#69921: Incorrect email subject link for PM reminders
#69904: Incorrect keyword filtering making words like 'spanish' unsearchable
#69103: ACP, Settings, backslashes being removed
#70243: Missing alt tags in group icon / pip
#70976: Extra
not needed in copyright line
#70952: Missing spaces between page numbers / icons in search results
#70925: Extra space between mod link and ACP link
#70900: Moderator can't warn outside of forum they moderate when allowed to warn
#70316: Incorrect table alignment in board view
#70893: List items missing XHTML closing tag
#70953: Incorrect count showing on ACP index for members waiting validation
#70896: Uploading flash file as avatar displays incorrectly
#70895: Division by zero error when viewing a profile with no board posts
#70135: Last post info showing part HTML entity when quoting a post to reply
#69964: Member_extra not being removed when denied validation
#71091: Incorrectly formatted output when using printpage chooser
#71097: No character wrapping on signatures
#71111: Calendar not showing recurring events when clicking day link
#71114: Admin logs, incorrect link in pagination
#71238: Editing 1st post in a topic creates incorrect mod log
#71278: Poll options not showing when creating poll
#70649: Typo in warn error
#68338: Googlebots not showing on online list when not anonymous
#71563: Member title disabled when using '0'
#70023: 'Hidden' space stripper breaks mb languages
#69691: Previewing skin not selecting correct skin (JS bug)
#69667: News forum not able to select sub-wrapper
#53549: Incorrect icon when no child forums to show but is postable
#70509: Missing number_format in some areas
#68815: Incorrect display when previewing forum permissions
#71332: Downloading Mini Profile "card" gives JS errors when viewing
#66148: Switching off active users removes Today's birthdays too
#69360: Moving topics failed to add entry to moderator's log
#69678: Edit wrapper textarea not controlled by ACP prefs
#71392: Avatar files and categories not sorting
#70093: Incorrect XHTML when logging into MyAssistant
#72836: "Newest Member" stat not updated after member name edit
#72098: Integrity Messenger data not showing in profile or mini-profile
#72366: If override member permission mask, member does not show on forum/topic online
#72301: More missing number formatting; PM display, most online
#70032: Incorrect calculation to work out whether a mod has warned too many times
#70341: MySQL toolbox table prefix error
#69903: ssi.php not parsing tags
#73050: XHTML error on topic attachments
#73096: doHTMl not parsed in search results
#69842: Calendar date picking up time settings on board view
#70947: Images not resized if getimagesize fails
#71967: Missing information if cache/cache file not present
#71620: Deleting member does not remove member from contact lists
#70828: Unicode characters not displaying.
#73179: Missing option to remove member's photographs
#67595: PM: tab order wrong, no access keys, popup for new msg when in msgr
#71435: MM on topic title with HTML breaks layout on "last post:" display
#59296: (Merged Topic) Poll not wrapping choices - breaks layout
#59296: (Merged Topic) Poll not using bad word filter
#59296: (Merged Topic) "Vote" button present when reviewing results
#70121: Custom profile fields on topic view dont parse fully if dropdown
#73384: Wrongly labelled PM link in profile view
Und hier die Bugs die behoben wurden:

New Features in 1.2 RC1

Boolean operators introduced into the search function
Quick JS page jump added to all pages (inc. ACP)
Added options to the warning system
Fast reply: accesskey "f" opens, accesskey "s" posts
Fast reply: Tab index added
Fast reply: On mouse over, onfocus added
XML1.0 and RSS2.0 feeds added to ssi.php
IP Chat: Ability to deny groups access to chat
IP Chat: Auto-log in for members

Fixed Bugs

#70716: Long passwords with special chars create too long error
#70669: Zero for a poll choice doesn't show
#70557: ACP, Editing colours, http:// breaks url
#70271: Posting poll after adding topic - error is supmod && topic starter
#70455: Posting, if MessageMax is set to empty, some browsers cant post
#70262: Inability to name avatar files with [] or () in the name
#70040: Missing CSS atr from post form
#69988: Download contact card - incorrect filename used
#69771: Added </a> not needed in online list w/bots
#69631: Incorrect starting attr to emoticons checkbox in calendar
#70858: Incorrect HTML tag (breaks XHTML) when using safe mode skins
#69643: Avatar gallery not matching capitalized file extensions
#69899: ACP, removing skin tarball, link error
#69896: ACP, helpfiles, backslash not saving fix
#69921: Incorrect email subject link for PM reminders
#69904: Incorrect keyword filtering making words like 'spanish' unsearchable
#69103: ACP, Settings, backslashes being removed
#70243: Missing alt tags in group icon / pip
#70976: Extra
not needed in copyright line
#70952: Missing spaces between page numbers / icons in search results
#70925: Extra space between mod link and ACP link
#70900: Moderator can't warn outside of forum they moderate when allowed to warn
#70316: Incorrect table alignment in board view
#70893: List items missing XHTML closing tag
#70953: Incorrect count showing on ACP index for members waiting validation
#70896: Uploading flash file as avatar displays incorrectly
#70895: Division by zero error when viewing a profile with no board posts
#70135: Last post info showing part HTML entity when quoting a post to reply
#69964: Member_extra not being removed when denied validation
#71091: Incorrectly formatted output when using printpage chooser
#71097: No character wrapping on signatures
#71111: Calendar not showing recurring events when clicking day link
#71114: Admin logs, incorrect link in pagination
#71238: Editing 1st post in a topic creates incorrect mod log
#71278: Poll options not showing when creating poll
#70649: Typo in warn error
#68338: Googlebots not showing on online list when not anonymous
#71563: Member title disabled when using '0'
#70023: 'Hidden' space stripper breaks mb languages
#69691: Previewing skin not selecting correct skin (JS bug)
#69667: News forum not able to select sub-wrapper
#53549: Incorrect icon when no child forums to show but is postable
#70509: Missing number_format in some areas
#68815: Incorrect display when previewing forum permissions
#71332: Downloading Mini Profile "card" gives JS errors when viewing
#66148: Switching off active users removes Today's birthdays too
#69360: Moving topics failed to add entry to moderator's log
#69678: Edit wrapper textarea not controlled by ACP prefs
#71392: Avatar files and categories not sorting
#70093: Incorrect XHTML when logging into MyAssistant
#72836: "Newest Member" stat not updated after member name edit
#72098: Integrity Messenger data not showing in profile or mini-profile
#72366: If override member permission mask, member does not show on forum/topic online
#72301: More missing number formatting; PM display, most online
#70032: Incorrect calculation to work out whether a mod has warned too many times
#70341: MySQL toolbox table prefix error
#69903: ssi.php not parsing tags
#73050: XHTML error on topic attachments
#73096: doHTMl not parsed in search results
#69842: Calendar date picking up time settings on board view
#70947: Images not resized if getimagesize fails
#71967: Missing information if cache/cache file not present
#71620: Deleting member does not remove member from contact lists
#70828: Unicode characters not displaying.
#73179: Missing option to remove member's photographs
#67595: PM: tab order wrong, no access keys, popup for new msg when in msgr
#71435: MM on topic title with HTML breaks layout on "last post:" display
#59296: (Merged Topic) Poll not wrapping choices - breaks layout
#59296: (Merged Topic) Poll not using bad word filter
#59296: (Merged Topic) "Vote" button present when reviewing results
#70121: Custom profile fields on topic view dont parse fully if dropdown
#73384: Wrongly labelled PM link in profile view

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Forum Update auf das InvisionPowerBoard 1.2 RC2

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